Upcoming Events
Madison Spencer: Projects and design in architectural practice
Continuing Ed Webinar
Zoom only: registration details below
February 12, 2025 8:00 - 9:00 pm
Madison Spencer
Click to Register
Madison Spencer, architect and planner, graduated from the School of Architecture at the University of Virginia and established his design partnership based in Charlottesville in 1991. He was selected by the Institute of Classical Architecture and Art as one of the “Classicist 100” in 2002.
He has undertaken projects in collaboration with celebrated designers and classicists Ralph Harvard, Demetri Porphyrios, John Saladino, and David Easton as well as with British garden designers George Carter and Xa Tollemache. Several of his projects involve the rescue of landmark historic properties and gardens.
Spencer lectures frequently on architectural and planning matters. He is a member of the American Institute of Architects, The Georgian Group, the Irish Georgian Society, the Decorative Arts Trust, and is a fellow of the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism based in London.
Palladianism in Ireland
Member Cultivation Event
Charlottesville, VA
In-person and Zoom
February 18, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Christopher Moore, Historic Building Advisor
Member cultivation lecture and reception - FREE - invite your colleagues, classmates and associates. Limit of 50 in-person attendees.
- Reception 6:00 pm
- Lecture 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Charlottesville, VA - exact location will be sent with your RSVP confirmation.
Click to register to attend in-person
Click to register to attend the webinar
After studying History of Art in Trinity College Dublin, Christopher was curator of Castletown 1983-6 and then Assistant Historic Buildings Representative in Northern Ireland, 1987-89. From 1990 to 2013, he worked as a specialist decorator, mainly on historic building projects in Ireland and the UK, attempting to replicate traditional finishes and to create atmospheric restorations. From 2000, he joined the board of the Castletown Foundation, where he was particularly concerned with the conservation of the contents and interiors, and from 2013-2018 he was Chairman of the Foundation. He also served a term as a board member of the Irish Georgian Foundation. He currently lives in Oxfordshire and Kilkenny.
Christopher is delivering the closing keynote address at this year’s Colonial Williamsburg Antiques Forum, and we are fortunate to share his expertise.
Pat McClane: Projects and design in architectural practice
Continuing Ed Webinar
April 9, 2025 8:00 - 9:00 pm
Speaker: Pat McClane
Philadelphia Historic Tour
Philadelphia, PA
April 4-6, 2025
(Rescheduled from 2024)
This trip will be held if there is enough interest.
Email palladianstudies@gmail.com by January 15 if you want to attend the trip.
Calder Loth: (topic to be determined)
Zoom Only https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84843096175
8 - 9 pm July 9
Calder Loth
Calder Loth earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in architectural history from the University of Virginia and was the Senior Architectural Historian for the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. He has lectured on Palladio and Palladianism in numerous venues, served as a co-curator of the Royal Institute of British Architects traveling exhibition "Palladio and His Legacy," opening in 2010 at Morgan Library in New York. Calder’s video lecture, "Palladio's Book IV," is posted on YouTube where it has received more than 19,000 views. Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fHxWKfPUk0&t=7s
This free event is open to your colleagues, associates and friends, please pass along this invitation!
Palladian Villas of the Veneto
International Tour
September 23 – October 1
Heritage Travel
Registration opened December 2024
Email palladianstudies@gmail.com with your interest.
Institute for Classical Architecture and Art Online Offerings
CPSA’s own Calder Loth presents several topics which can be enjoyed on the website of the ICAA. For example, Greek Classicism: A Design Resource for Historic and Contemporary Architecture, Part I