
Older issues of the journal of the Center for Palladian Studies in America, Palladiana, can be downloaded here as PDFs. For current issues see Palladiana.

Additionally, Life with Palladio: Articles and Data (PDFs of articles from our old website) can be accessed here.

Fall 2016

Vol. 10, No. 3

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The President’s Letter
by John J. Zeugner

Discovering the Treasures of Clarke County and Winchester
by Calder Loth

CPSA Members Visit Palladian Architecture in Scotland
by Calder Loth

Thomas Jefferson, Builder
by Travis C. McDonald

A CPSA guided tour of the Virginia Historical Society Special Exhibit
The Private Jefferson: From the Collection of the Massachusetts Historical Society

Spring 2016

Vol. 10, No. 2

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A Forensic Look at Thomas Jefferson’s Architectural Drawings
by Joseph Michael Lasala

Battersea: A Search for Origins
by Christopher Novelli

Battersea Restoration Progress
by John J. Zeugner, AICP

Architecture, Liberty and Civic Order: Architectural Theories from Vitruvius to Jefferson and Beyond, by Caroll William Westfall (2015)
Reviewed by Paul A. Ranogajec

Palladiana Fall 2015

Fall 2015

Vol. 10, No. 1

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Replicating the Corinthian Capitals of Thomas Jefferson’s Rotunda
by James D.W. Zehmer

Pigeons in the Temple: Thomas Jefferson’s Pigeon-House Design
by William D. Rieley

CPSA June Bus Tour to Orange County, Virginia
Landmarks big success

Palladiana Spring 2015

Spring 2015

Vol. 9, No. 2

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A Resolution of Appreciation for Mary Lee Allen
A long-serving Secretary for CPSA is honored

Can We Trust Palladio? Antoine Desgodetz Details Palladio’s Inaccuracies
by Calder Loth

A Palladian Villa near Poznan, Poland: Palac Lubostron
by Helen Scott Townsend Reed

Mysterious Drawing may be an Early Design for Drayton Hall
by Patricia Lowe Smith

Life with Palladio, Articles and Data

Our former website hosted these articles, which have not reviewed or reformatted. Because there is a wealth of information, the Archives includes them for your reading pleasure.
Andrea Palladio

Palladio’s Life and World (PDF)
Palladio and his Books (PDF)
Palladio’s Literary Predecessors (PDF)

Palladianism and Palladian Studies

Palladio and Patternbooks in America (PDF)
Palladio and English-American Palladianism (PDF)
Suggestions for a Palladian Bookshelf (PDF)
Palladian Studies in America: An Address by Carl I. Gable 2006 (PDF)